Former Russian Citizen Fighting Russia in Donbas

According to the source of this footage, the video above, (or below if you're on Facebook like weirdo and not our app like a true Chad) was released by a former Russian citizen who is volunteering in Ukraine to fight Russia.

For the purpose of context, the combat operations in this video were filmed primarily in the Donbas region by a former Russian citizen who has left Russia to fight for Ukraine in the current on-going conflict between the two nations. While there seems to be some confusion about the man's nationality, the accent of the man filming makes it pretty apparent that he was a Russian at one point, and the uniforms and IFF markings on the troops he's fighting with indicate pretty clearly that he is operating with the Ukrainians.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

According to the source of this footage, the video above, (or below if you're on Facebook like weirdo and not our app like a true Chad) was released by a former Russian citizen who is volunteering in Ukraine to fight Russia.

For the purpose of context, the combat operations in this video were filmed primarily in the Donbas region by a former Russian citizen who has left Russia to fight for Ukraine in the current on-going conflict between the two nations. While there seems to be some confusion about the man's nationality, the accent of the man filming makes it pretty apparent that he was a Russian at one point, and the uniforms and IFF markings on the troops he's fighting with indicate pretty clearly that he is operating with the Ukrainians.

josh brooks

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