Over 3,000 Hastily Dug Graves Spotted in the Outskirts of Mariupol

Stark and eye opening video being released from the outskirts of Mariupol by Alexandra Dalsbaek on Twitter shows over 3,000 hastily dug graves on just one side of the road.

If you want to see what the aftermath of war looks like, it's not too hard to find images of it. We've all seen the images and videos coming out of places like Baghdad, Fallujah, and Raqqa. Now, we're seeing the same images coming out of Ukraine in places like Mariupol and Hostomel.

The video above was recorded by a French reporter named Alexandra Dalsbaek. She originally posted the video to Twitter. In this short clip, they drove by thousands of hastily dug graves with wooden headstones cobbled together by the people who buried them.

Some day in my lifetime, I hope we don't need to independently host and document combat footage from modern wars. One day before my lights turn off forever and I head home, I hope that we'll be able to look back on the action of war itself as merely a violent interaction between men that we were able to eliminate fully. However, I have my doubts that we'll be able to create a world without conflict under the current global administrations.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Stark and eye opening video being released from the outskirts of Mariupol by Alexandra Dalsbaek on Twitter shows over 3,000 hastily dug graves on just one side of the road.

If you want to see what the aftermath of war looks like, it's not too hard to find images of it. We've all seen the images and videos coming out of places like Baghdad, Fallujah, and Raqqa. Now, we're seeing the same images coming out of Ukraine in places like Mariupol and Hostomel.

The video above was recorded by a French reporter named Alexandra Dalsbaek. She originally posted the video to Twitter. In this short clip, they drove by thousands of hastily dug graves with wooden headstones cobbled together by the people who buried them.

Some day in my lifetime, I hope we don't need to independently host and document combat footage from modern wars. One day before my lights turn off forever and I head home, I hope that we'll be able to look back on the action of war itself as merely a violent interaction between men that we were able to eliminate fully. However, I have my doubts that we'll be able to create a world without conflict under the current global administrations.

josh brooks

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