Unconfirmed Footage of Ukrainian Partisans Torching Unoccupied Russian Armor

Unconfirmed video coming from Telegram shows alleged Ukrainian Partisans behind Russian lines setting unoccupied Russian vehicles on fire. We're unable to verify this footage independently.

This is exactly the kind of footage you would expect to see from Partisan forces operating behind enemy lines in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Moving to unguarded and unoccupied vehicles, then setting those vehicles on fire so they can't be taken to the front lines is literally in the textbook for this kind of activity.

That said, this footage comes from a zealotous pro-Ukraine source on Telegram. For that reason, we can't verify the validity of this footage, because it could easily be faked. By now, hundreds of Russian armor pieces have been collected by the Ukrainian military and civilians. On top of that, hundreds more destroyed Russian armor pieces have also been collected for scrap metal.

Any group of Ukrainian teenagers could have gone out into a field where an abandoned and destroyed piece of armor was and set it on fire with these exact claims, and we'd be none the wiser.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Unconfirmed video coming from Telegram shows alleged Ukrainian Partisans behind Russian lines setting unoccupied Russian vehicles on fire. We're unable to verify this footage independently.

This is exactly the kind of footage you would expect to see from Partisan forces operating behind enemy lines in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Moving to unguarded and unoccupied vehicles, then setting those vehicles on fire so they can't be taken to the front lines is literally in the textbook for this kind of activity.

That said, this footage comes from a zealotous pro-Ukraine source on Telegram. For that reason, we can't verify the validity of this footage, because it could easily be faked. By now, hundreds of Russian armor pieces have been collected by the Ukrainian military and civilians. On top of that, hundreds more destroyed Russian armor pieces have also been collected for scrap metal.

Any group of Ukrainian teenagers could have gone out into a field where an abandoned and destroyed piece of armor was and set it on fire with these exact claims, and we'd be none the wiser.

josh brooks

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