Hand Nearly Torn Off, As Blind Firing Rebel is Struck By Gunfire (NSFW)

It's not very uncommon to see footage similar to this one, but in all honesty this guy is luckier than most we see here on Funker530. Although blind firing is extremely common in condensed, urban fighting, it is still minimally effective for reasons we should all know.

The reason I say this guy is lucky, is for the simple fact he was shot in his forearm, opposed to his chest. As you watch the footage, the guy in the red track suit leans his weapon around the corner. Within seconds of taking a few shots, he is immediately struck by gun fire. Further evaluating the footage, if you look at the mans arm placement as he blind fires, it would directly lined up with center mass. Had this guy pied out on the corner of the building, well.... he would have taken at least one to the chest.

Published 3 years ago

It's not very uncommon to see footage similar to this one, but in all honesty this guy is luckier than most we see here on Funker530. Although blind firing is extremely common in condensed, urban fighting, it is still minimally effective for reasons we should all know.

The reason I say this guy is lucky, is for the simple fact he was shot in his forearm, opposed to his chest. As you watch the footage, the guy in the red track suit leans his weapon around the corner. Within seconds of taking a few shots, he is immediately struck by gun fire. Further evaluating the footage, if you look at the mans arm placement as he blind fires, it would directly lined up with center mass. Had this guy pied out on the corner of the building, well.... he would have taken at least one to the chest.

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