U.S. Troops at HKIA Watch as Afghan Civilians Fall From Aircraft

GoPro footage recorded by an American participating in the evacuation of Hamid Karzai International Airport captures the moment U.S. Troops witness Afghan civilians falling to their death from evacuation aircraft.

Just in case you thought we were done talking about this inconvenient truth for the Biden Administration and the current command staff at the Department of Defense, we're not. On every single level of leadership past the field grade, we failed in Afghanistan. As civilians fell to their death trying to cling onto the side of aircraft leaving Afghanistan, Company Commanders, Platoon Commanders, Staff Non-Commissioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Junior Enlisted Warfighters were all forced to not act and simply watch.

When they returned home, they got to sit and watch again as those same senior leaders who failed them at the strategic level wrote themselves Bronze Stars and Silver Stars for their continued failure to decisively win a single strategic engagement against America's enemies. How you write yourself an award for failing in every facet of your job is beyond me, but here we are with the same Generals who failed in Afghanistan being promoted up the chain of command even further. In fact, the only Commissioned Officer who was punished for the dramatic failure in Afghanistan was the Officer who had the balls to raise his hand and throw his rank on the table calling out his own senior leaders.

The war in Afghanistan ended the exact same way it began, with human beings falling to their deaths trying to escape an inevitable fate. For the troops and leaders at the tactical level, there was never once a direct failure to complete the mission set in front of them even when they were faced with impossible odds. From the Horse Soldiers who broke the Taliban in 2001 to the Marines who pacified a majority of the Helmand Province, every mission fought on the ground and in the air was an astounding success, but still we saw senior leaders try to shuck the failures of their own strategic command down to lower echelons, like it was the Captains and Lieutenants failing to accomplish the impossible tactical objectives set before them.

Don't worry though, the senior commanders secured their bags up at the Pentagon. Afghanistan was just another stepping stone forward on their path to a six figure retirement, contract gig, and book deal. It was another notch in the belt. Another Mission Accomplished, moment in the Global War on Terror. One more gold star to pin on the long list of Bronze and Silver Stars they wrote themselves for looking at maps and hosting meetings with civilian contractors in air conditioned trailers on rear echelon air bases where the largest threat was Starbucks running out of Caramel for their macchiato.

Almost a year later, and still not a single Politician or General Officer has stepped up and taken accountability for the failures in Afghanistan. Not a single person has been punished for the deaths of U.S. Service Members who were forced to form a picket in an impossible to secure situation. Not a single star-collared uniform has sat in a trial under the UCMJ for the death of 10 civilians when an errant drone strike was fired off to facilitate a "feel good moment" for Americans watching the fall of Afghanistan live on their own television sets. There has been zero accountability for the mistakes made on the withdrawal for Afghansitan outside of Marine LT. Col Scheller's court-martial hearing. All he did was speak the truth.

In fact, I bet this post gets less than 10,000 views on our webpage, because quite frankly Americans have already forgotten that Afghanistan happened. Right now, the only thing on the minds of a majority of America is inflation, gas prices, and the debate on if abortion should be a state's rights issue or not. The memory span of the average American has apparently fallen short, even when compared with a gold fish.

Regardless, I'm still here, and as long as I have access to the internet and a keyboard, I will continue to write about this failure. Our readers and real family are here as well on this platform, and I know you guys won't stop being silent on this issue either. We will continue to raise Hell about the current situation on the ground in Afghanistan, because we spent our youth in that country following incompetent leaders who couldn't fuck their way out of a paper-bag without writing a book about it and then giving themselves at least an Army Achievement Medal for it.

It doesn't matter how the General Officer Corps of the United States Armed Forces spins it. Until one of them steps on the chopping block and admits that they completely and entirely failed when they didn't throw their rank on the table in protest of Biden's hair-brained scheme to get a PR win, I have zero faith in any of them as leaders.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

GoPro footage recorded by an American participating in the evacuation of Hamid Karzai International Airport captures the moment U.S. Troops witness Afghan civilians falling to their death from evacuation aircraft.

Just in case you thought we were done talking about this inconvenient truth for the Biden Administration and the current command staff at the Department of Defense, we're not. On every single level of leadership past the field grade, we failed in Afghanistan. As civilians fell to their death trying to cling onto the side of aircraft leaving Afghanistan, Company Commanders, Platoon Commanders, Staff Non-Commissioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Junior Enlisted Warfighters were all forced to not act and simply watch.

When they returned home, they got to sit and watch again as those same senior leaders who failed them at the strategic level wrote themselves Bronze Stars and Silver Stars for their continued failure to decisively win a single strategic engagement against America's enemies. How you write yourself an award for failing in every facet of your job is beyond me, but here we are with the same Generals who failed in Afghanistan being promoted up the chain of command even further. In fact, the only Commissioned Officer who was punished for the dramatic failure in Afghanistan was the Officer who had the balls to raise his hand and throw his rank on the table calling out his own senior leaders.

The war in Afghanistan ended the exact same way it began, with human beings falling to their deaths trying to escape an inevitable fate. For the troops and leaders at the tactical level, there was never once a direct failure to complete the mission set in front of them even when they were faced with impossible odds. From the Horse Soldiers who broke the Taliban in 2001 to the Marines who pacified a majority of the Helmand Province, every mission fought on the ground and in the air was an astounding success, but still we saw senior leaders try to shuck the failures of their own strategic command down to lower echelons, like it was the Captains and Lieutenants failing to accomplish the impossible tactical objectives set before them.

Don't worry though, the senior commanders secured their bags up at the Pentagon. Afghanistan was just another stepping stone forward on their path to a six figure retirement, contract gig, and book deal. It was another notch in the belt. Another Mission Accomplished, moment in the Global War on Terror. One more gold star to pin on the long list of Bronze and Silver Stars they wrote themselves for looking at maps and hosting meetings with civilian contractors in air conditioned trailers on rear echelon air bases where the largest threat was Starbucks running out of Caramel for their macchiato.

Almost a year later, and still not a single Politician or General Officer has stepped up and taken accountability for the failures in Afghanistan. Not a single person has been punished for the deaths of U.S. Service Members who were forced to form a picket in an impossible to secure situation. Not a single star-collared uniform has sat in a trial under the UCMJ for the death of 10 civilians when an errant drone strike was fired off to facilitate a "feel good moment" for Americans watching the fall of Afghanistan live on their own television sets. There has been zero accountability for the mistakes made on the withdrawal for Afghansitan outside of Marine LT. Col Scheller's court-martial hearing. All he did was speak the truth.

In fact, I bet this post gets less than 10,000 views on our webpage, because quite frankly Americans have already forgotten that Afghanistan happened. Right now, the only thing on the minds of a majority of America is inflation, gas prices, and the debate on if abortion should be a state's rights issue or not. The memory span of the average American has apparently fallen short, even when compared with a gold fish.

Regardless, I'm still here, and as long as I have access to the internet and a keyboard, I will continue to write about this failure. Our readers and real family are here as well on this platform, and I know you guys won't stop being silent on this issue either. We will continue to raise Hell about the current situation on the ground in Afghanistan, because we spent our youth in that country following incompetent leaders who couldn't fuck their way out of a paper-bag without writing a book about it and then giving themselves at least an Army Achievement Medal for it.

It doesn't matter how the General Officer Corps of the United States Armed Forces spins it. Until one of them steps on the chopping block and admits that they completely and entirely failed when they didn't throw their rank on the table in protest of Biden's hair-brained scheme to get a PR win, I have zero faith in any of them as leaders.

josh brooks

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