Syrian Soldier Narrowly Escapes Sniper's Tracer Round

A member of the Syrian Arab Army makes a desperate dash towards cover under sniper fire. Before getting to cover, one of the sniper's tracers rounds can be seen just narrowly missing the Soldier.

This footage was recorded outside of the of the Deir ez-Zor Airbase in 2013. It was recorded from the perspective of an FSA sniper team that conducted a large number of operations in the area trying to take out individual Syrian Soldiers to attrite them over time and decrease the morale of Regime Troops.

While in this instance, it is clear that the sniper team failed to physically attrite the regime by killing this Soldier, the morale impact is still evident. Having an active sniper in your area of operations is always a dicey feeling. If you've ever operated in an area with an active sniper, then you're already accustomed to the "Sniper Dance" that troops do when they are worried that someone could be glassing them with a high-powered rifle.

If you watch closely however, it appears as if the BDRM seen in this video is also hunting. As the Soldier runs, and the sniper team opens fire, the BDRM can be seen scanning for their location. This video ends as the Syrian Soldier gets to cover, so we don't know what happened next. My guess is that the BDRM started suppressing in their general location and that the sniper team bugged-out.

Published 3 years ago

A member of the Syrian Arab Army makes a desperate dash towards cover under sniper fire. Before getting to cover, one of the sniper's tracers rounds can be seen just narrowly missing the Soldier.

This footage was recorded outside of the of the Deir ez-Zor Airbase in 2013. It was recorded from the perspective of an FSA sniper team that conducted a large number of operations in the area trying to take out individual Syrian Soldiers to attrite them over time and decrease the morale of Regime Troops.

While in this instance, it is clear that the sniper team failed to physically attrite the regime by killing this Soldier, the morale impact is still evident. Having an active sniper in your area of operations is always a dicey feeling. If you've ever operated in an area with an active sniper, then you're already accustomed to the "Sniper Dance" that troops do when they are worried that someone could be glassing them with a high-powered rifle.

If you watch closely however, it appears as if the BDRM seen in this video is also hunting. As the Soldier runs, and the sniper team opens fire, the BDRM can be seen scanning for their location. This video ends as the Syrian Soldier gets to cover, so we don't know what happened next. My guess is that the BDRM started suppressing in their general location and that the sniper team bugged-out.

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