Ukrainian Soldier Barely Escapes Mine and Booby Trap Combo

This footage, provided by an undisclosed unit, shows a Ukrainian soldier during his attempt to disarm a Russian anti-tank mine. To his surprise, he finds that the mine has been booby-trapped with a grenade. Fortunately for him, the fuse provides him enough time to clear the area, but it is still a closer call than anyone would like to have.

The mine in question is a TM-62, the ubiquitous Soviet anti-tank mine. Although these mines are capable of being fitted with purpose-built anti-lift devices, the notion that a grenade was placed beneath the mine seems to be borne out by the delay while the soldier makes it to a trench. The typical Russian UZRG grenade has a fuse of 3.5-4.5 seconds, which gave this guy just enough time to save his own life.

Given the likelihood of the mine (or even bodies) being trapped in such a way, with the object putting pressure on the grenade’s lever or spoon, the typical, expedient mode of dealing with the object involves pulling it horizontally, from a distance, with a rope. It’s unclear why such tactics weren’t used here. In any case, having dealt with such a powerful mine and booby trap up close and personal, someone owes this guy a beer.

About the Author

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Cole Simms


Cole Simms is an Air Guardsman, NASA enthusiast, police officer, and security contractor with particular experience in austere environments. Outside of work, he volunteers as a Stop The Bleed instructor for area schools. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and blends his knowledge and experience to write analysis for Funker530.

Need a tried-and-tested fixed blade that's trusted by police, military and protective service users all over the world? Cole recommends Ironside Edge Works for your tactical or EDC blade needs.


Published 3 weeks ago

This footage, provided by an undisclosed unit, shows a Ukrainian soldier during his attempt to disarm a Russian anti-tank mine. To his surprise, he finds that the mine has been booby-trapped with a grenade. Fortunately for him, the fuse provides him enough time to clear the area, but it is still a closer call than anyone would like to have.

The mine in question is a TM-62, the ubiquitous Soviet anti-tank mine. Although these mines are capable of being fitted with purpose-built anti-lift devices, the notion that a grenade was placed beneath the mine seems to be borne out by the delay while the soldier makes it to a trench. The typical Russian UZRG grenade has a fuse of 3.5-4.5 seconds, which gave this guy just enough time to save his own life.

Given the likelihood of the mine (or even bodies) being trapped in such a way, with the object putting pressure on the grenade’s lever or spoon, the typical, expedient mode of dealing with the object involves pulling it horizontally, from a distance, with a rope. It’s unclear why such tactics weren’t used here. In any case, having dealt with such a powerful mine and booby trap up close and personal, someone owes this guy a beer.

About the Author

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Cole Simms


Cole Simms is an Air Guardsman, NASA enthusiast, police officer, and security contractor with particular experience in austere environments. Outside of work, he volunteers as a Stop The Bleed instructor for area schools. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and blends his knowledge and experience to write analysis for Funker530.

Need a tried-and-tested fixed blade that's trusted by police, military and protective service users all over the world? Cole recommends Ironside Edge Works for your tactical or EDC blade needs.


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