Combat Mashup of Recent Combat Operations in Ukraine

A combat mashup put together by our good friend from the Military Channel on YouTube showcases highlights from the last few weeks of direct combat action between Ukrainian and Russian forces.

Going to say this right out of the gate, if this isn't your cup of tea then just skip the thumbnails done in this style on our webpage. We've been friends with the owner of MIlitary Channel since 2014 when this entire fiasco first started, we're not going to stop supporting him or his work now just because some of you don't like the content he makes. After all, if you were a video editor that focused specifically on making military mash-ups and you found your country being invaded, wouldn't you do this exact same thing?

If this isn't for you, that's fine. We're putting out a steady stream of content all day every day. Go watch something else.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

A combat mashup put together by our good friend from the Military Channel on YouTube showcases highlights from the last few weeks of direct combat action between Ukrainian and Russian forces.

Going to say this right out of the gate, if this isn't your cup of tea then just skip the thumbnails done in this style on our webpage. We've been friends with the owner of MIlitary Channel since 2014 when this entire fiasco first started, we're not going to stop supporting him or his work now just because some of you don't like the content he makes. After all, if you were a video editor that focused specifically on making military mash-ups and you found your country being invaded, wouldn't you do this exact same thing?

If this isn't for you, that's fine. We're putting out a steady stream of content all day every day. Go watch something else.

josh brooks

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